Metallica. Probabil trupa mea preferata fara doar si poate. Doar primul meu tricou rock a fost cu ei, chiar cu albumul „Kill’em All”. Poate imi plac datorita faimei lor, poate datorita faptului ca au fost printre primele trupe ce au cantat heavy metal, dar mai frenetic. Un lucru e singur, am ce invata din fiecare cantec in parte. Melodia de mai sus, e de pe primul lor album intitulat „Kill’em all”, album ce a fost lansat in 1983, la 2 ani de la infiintarea formatiei. Va vine sa credeti sau nu, melodia de mai sus are circa 27 de ani, multi dintre noi, fiind si eu inclus in aceasta categorie, nu eram nascuti pe atunci. Ce conteaza, au un stil unic si inconfundabil in materie de muzica. Ascultati melodia de mai sus, si va veti convinge…
Senseless destruction
Victims of fury are cowardly now
Running for safety
Stabbing the harlot to pay for her sins
Leaving the virgin
Suicide running as if it were free
Ripping and tearing
On through the mist and the madness
We are trying to get the message to you
Metal Militia
Metal Militia
Metal Militia
Chained and shadowed to be left behind
nine and one thousand
Metal militia for your sacrifice
iron clad soldiers
Join or be conquered the law of the land
What will befall you
The metallization of your inner soul
twisting and turning
On through the mist and the madness
We are trying to get the message to you
Metal Militia
Metal Militia
We are as one as we all are the same
fighting for one cause
Leather and metal are our uniforms
protecting what we are
Joining together to take on the world
with our heavy metal
Spreading the message to everyone here
Come let yourself go
On through the mist and the madness
We are trying to get the message to you
Metal Militia
Metal Militia
Metal Militia
Metal Militia(x2)